Read Giant Girl Rampages

Saturday, September 13, 2008

GGR Hiatus

As you may have noticed, "Giant Girl Rampages" has gone on a hiatus. Having a team of writers can be a great advantage in doing a real-time blog-novel but still offers no guarantee against a period where all of us are so busy with our individual projects that the fun optional stuff like GGR has to fall by the wayside. Book deadlines, promotional obligations, back to school activities, and the general unpredictable events of life tend to intervene. In this case, the last straw as when the chief editor of Chapter Two suffered a week-long power outage due to Hurricane Gustav--thankfully without suffering any major damages to house or health.

We'll always be grateful to our loyal readers whose comments made publishing this story so enjoyable. Chapter One, completed without missing a single weekday, was a success we're all proud of and proof that the blog-novel concept is viable. Hopefully our work will inspire others to follow with even bigger and better stories.

We're not ruling out Melly's eventual return, but we're not making any promises either. We've been working behind the scenes to recruit a new team of writers/illustrators with the time and energy to pick up where we've left off, but dream teams are hard to come by.


  1. This was a while ago... is there any chance you'll be bringing Melly back? I loved this story and would love to see more!

  2. Thanks so much for reading and commenting! I wish we could bring Melly back to have her finish her story, but it doesn't look like our schedules are going to align again the way they did last summer. If we try an experiment like this again, we'll know to have a few back-up authors waiting in the wings.
