Read Giant Girl Rampages

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Week #3: Multitasking

Some quick author notes we may add to and revise as time goes on...

In Week #3 of "Giant Girl Rampages," we tried to deal with pacing requirements in a five-day format. We resolved the issue of moving Melly into her new shed and gave her a few days to adjust before dropping a new issue in her lap--Mrs. Johansson's disapproval of Melly's wardrobe, which represents another soon-to-be-vanishing connection between Melly and her deceased mother.

Four other things we tried to do this very productive week (with varying levels of success):

First, we had Melly comment on some of the comments she's been getting. This brought those issues into the main narrative and emphasized the interactive nature of publishing a novel in blog format.

Second, we had Melly comment on a current news story in an attempt to connect Melly's world with the world of the readers.

Third, we kept the Jay-Melly plot simmering.

And fourth, we introduced a new mystery element with Melly's fuzzy memory of the "Freckles" character and her strong desire not to delve any deeper into the matter. We're doing Monday through Friday posts with weekends off, so "something big and unexpected on Friday" might become a way for us to keep reader attention over a couple days without a post. Like a chapter-ending cliff-hanger, but with weeks instead of chapters.


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